Cultivating Self-Assurance



Review the words below. When you are ready press the continue button to practice the words. You must finish each practice step to complete the activity. Tap the + button to add a word to your 'my words' set.

  • independent
    Model sentence
    Malaysia declared itself an independent country in 1957
    Making your own decisions; acting by yourself
  • self assurance
    Model sentence
    Don't lose your self-assurance because of one mistake
    confidence in yourself
  • courage
    Model sentence
    He needed a lot of courage to tackle that problem
    Quality of being able to face danger without fear
  • confidence
    Model sentence
    For some reason, I do have confidence he will pass the test
    Feeling that you can do well at something
  • determination
    Model sentence
    Her determination to finish her task on time is admirable
    Will to achieve a goal despite difficulties
  • unique
    Model sentence
    Each picture I paint is unique, I don't make copies
    Unlike other things; being the only one like it
  • overcome
    Model sentence
    She will overcome her sickness if she rests for a month
    To succeed in a struggle against; defeat
  • individual
    Model sentence
    While it’s important to be an individual, it is more important to be a member of society
    Single person, looked at separately from others
  • emerge
    Model sentence
    The children emerge from the water and dry themselves in the sun
    To rise or appear out of some background
  • supportive
    Model sentence
    He is a very supportive parent, talking often to the teacher
    Providing help and support to someone or something
  • sense of self
    Model sentence
    Traveling alone helped him discover his true sense of self
    idea of your own identity
-- / --

List of words

Making your own decisions; acting by yourself
Malaysia declared itself an independent country in 1957
self assurance
confidence in yourself
Don't lose your self-assurance because of one mistake
Quality of being able to face danger without fear
He needed a lot of courage to tackle that problem
Feeling that you can do well at something
For some reason, I do have confidence he will pass the test
Will to achieve a goal despite difficulties
Her determination to finish her task on time is admirable
Unlike other things; being the only one like it
Each picture I paint is unique, I don't make copies
To succeed in a struggle against; defeat
She will overcome her sickness if she rests for a month
Single person, looked at separately from others
While it’s important to be an individual, it is more important to be a member of society
To rise or appear out of some background
The children emerge from the water and dry themselves in the sun
Providing help and support to someone or something
He is a very supportive parent, talking often to the teacher
sense of self
idea of your own identity
Traveling alone helped him discover his true sense of self

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